The SUNY Empire community has a rich and varied artist community. Come and meet our faculty, staff, student, and alumni artists to learn a little about their creative expressions, their process, and…
The EdTech Webinar
series is proud to present our TOEP webinar entitled “Productivity Tools”.
webinar is Wednesday, March 1st, from 12 PM to 1 PM.
Tools of Engagement…
Part of the TOEP Webinar Series, this webinar discusses simulations and how they fit into online and blended teaching. Learning how emerging technologies allow for seamless integration of both…
This presentation will outline development of
long-term sustainability and operations plans
for Open Educational Resources. Open SUNY
Textbooks (OST) was initially funded by SUNY
IITG money and…
Dr. Amber Adams presents the Haundenosaunee Creation Story at NFC's Heritage Celebration. This presentation is sponsored by a SUNY Western Consortium Grant.