Search for tag: "graduate"
Ask5: The Value of an Internship with Matthew HansonLearn firsthand about the benefits of participating in an internship, from gaining real-world experience to building professional connections. Matt Hanson is a graduate student in SUNY…
From Anita Brown
6 plays
SUNY Empire State University 2024 Winter Commencement - 1pm CeremonyWinter Commencement 2024Friday, Thirteenth of December 2024There will be ceremonies held at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.Congratulations! Firefox, Edge, or Chrome are recommended browsers for viewing the stream.…
From Nathan Sunseri
120 plays
Ask5: Have You Heard? A Highlight of Empire State University’s Graduate ProgramsHave You Heard? A Highlight of Empire State University’s Graduate Programs with guest Erica Chew, Ph.D., Director of Graduate Outreach and AdmissionsOctober 15, 12 p.m.Did you know that Empire…
From Anita Brown
1 plays
Ask5 with Dr. Tai Arnold, Masters in Higher EducationJoin us for an engaging conversation with Tai Arnold about the university's new Master's in Higher Education Administration. Tai shares insights into the program's innovative…
From Anita Brown
45 plays
Ask5: SUNY Empire's Educational Leadership and Change Education Doctoral Degree with Lisa Unangast, Ph.D.Join our next segment of Ask5: Educational Leadership and Change, Empire State University's Doctor of Education program. In this engaging discussion, I'll be interviewing Dr. Lisa Unangst,…
From Anita Brown
103 plays
Ask5: SUNY Empire's Master in Public Administration with Dr. Ed WarzalaJoin Dr. Ed Warzala of SUNY Empire to hear about the new Master of Public Administration (MPA). This program is designed for civil servants and others who aspire to career advancement in…
From Anita Brown
140 plays
Ask5 with Erica ChewHave You Heard? A Highlight of Empire State University’s Graduate Programswith guest Erica Chew, Ph.D., Director of Graduate Outreach and AdmissionsMarch 1, 12 p.m.Link: Click here to join the…
From Anita Brown
142 plays
Community Forum: Academic Process and Structure Working Group - January 29, 2024Over the past few months, the Academic Process and Structure Working Group has reviewed multiple institutional data points and past survey results in response to its charge. As mentioned in…
From Lindsay Bryde
201 plays
Ask5: Have You Heard? A Highlight of Empire State University’s Graduate Programs with Erica ChewHave You Heard? A Highlight of Empire State University’s Graduate Programs with guest Erica Chew, Ph.D., Director of Graduate Outreach and Admissions December 8, 12 p.m. Did you…
From Anita Brown
152 plays
Graduate School Panel LMHC, School Counselor and Counseling ProgramsWelcome, Carrie Steinman, Mentor & Assistant Professor, School of Human Services, SUNY Empire State University Overview of SUNY Empire programs, Gina Torino, Dean, School of Social and…
From Anita Brown
144 plays
MSW Graduate School PanelGraduate School Panel: Masters in Social Work Programs September 26, 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Join our graduate school panel where graduate school representatives will discuss…
From Anita Brown
138 plays
Careers In Project ManagementCareers in Project Management November 16 from 6 – 7 p.m. Are you interested in pursuing project management opportunities? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the field…
From Anita Brown
84 plays
Graduate School Admissions Panel Presentation: Masters in Social Work, Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling ProgramGraduate School Admissions Panel Presentation: Masters in Social Work, Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling Program SUNY Empire is hosting a Virtual Graduate School Admissions Program…
From Anita Brown
123 plays