Search for tag: "residency"

Ask5: SUNY Empire's Educational Leadership and Change Education Doctoral Degree with Lisa Unangast, Ph.D.

Join our next segment of Ask5: Educational Leadership and Change, Empire State University's Doctor of Education program. In this engaging discussion, I'll be interviewing Dr. Lisa Unangst,…

+19 More
From  Anita Brown 103 plays 0  

World Religions Keynote Panel (Virtual Residency) 03/01/2021 Dr. Rhianna Rogers - audio

Audio ONLYPANEL OUTLINE: Introduction and instructions: Dr. Rhianna Rogers (3-5 min) Panelists with moderation (40 mins) – order of panelists Dr. Esa Autero, Dean of Faculty…

From  240412 227 plays 0  

World Religions Keynote Panel (Virtual Residency) 03/01/2021 Dr. Rhianna Rogers - video

Video recording PANEL OUTLINE: Introduction and instructions: Dr. Rhianna Rogers (3-5 min) Panelists with moderation (40 mins) – order of panelists Dr. Esa Autero, Dean of…

From  240412 258 plays 1  

Pedagogy and Virtual Study Groups Part 1 with Jenny Mincin and Duncan RyanMann

In part 1 of this two part series, educational technologist Lindsay Byrde talks with faculty mentors Jenny Mincin and Duncan RyanMann. They share what their Virtual Study Group experience has been…

From  Nathan Sunseri 147 plays 0  

Face-to-face Meetings in MS Teams webinar - 06/23/2020

This webinar will be looking at all the essentials and new options available to organize, inform, and engage your participants when conducting meetings. The presentation will include a walkthrough…

From  Michael Fortune 78 plays 0  

Building Community in Times of Social Unrest - Global Reflections (Video)

Introduction: Dr. Rhianna Rogers (SUNY Empire) (10 min) Panelists (in order of appearance/discussion): (60 min) Dr. Patricia Isaac (SUNY Empire) -Building Capacity Through Trauma Informed…

From  240412 392 plays 0  

Building Community in Times of Social Unrest - Global Reflections (AUDIO only)

Introduction: Dr. Rhianna Rogers (SUNY Empire) (10 min) Panelists (in order of appearance/discussion): (60 min) Dr. Patricia Isaac (SUNY Empire) -Building Capacity Through Trauma Informed…

From  240412 246 plays 0  

Deliberative Conversation 12-3-19

Building Community in Times of Social Unrest December 3, 2019 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Guiding Document By: Dr. Rhianna Rogers, Rockefeller Institute of Government – Ernst…

From  Jill Anderson 273 plays 0  

fall19 Virtual Residency keynote - Dr. Dan Nyaronga

fall19 Virtual Residency keynote - Dr. Dan Nyaronga - Social Innovation and Women's Empowerment in Africa

From  240412 314 plays 0  

Town Hall meeting 09/18/2019

Town Hall Meeing from September 18, 2019. First Town Hall Meeting for new SUNY Empire State College President Jim Malatras.

From  John Hughes 119 plays 0  

spring 19 virtual residency (audio only)

spring 19 virtual residency speaker Micki Kaufman Audio only

From  240412 51 plays 0  

spring 19 virtual residency

spring 19 virtual residency speaker Micki Kaufman

+48 More
From  240412 94 plays 0  

VR_Faculty Meeting 6.15.2018_zoom_0

1st Meeting of Faculty to discuss Virtual Residency for the Year of the Indigenous Peoples

From  Shaun Hoppel 48 plays 0  

Information Session

Information Session

+88 More
From  Shaun Hoppel 263 plays 0  

#FacultyFriday: Dr. Rhianna Rogers

#FacultyFriday: Dr. Rhianna Rogers

+26 More
From  Casey Vattimo 6,540 plays 0  

Closing Remarks - The Anthropology of Activism: Examples from the Field

Dr. Rhianna Rogers delivers the keynote titled "The Anthropology of Activism: Examples From The Field" to Human Rights students at the American University of Technology in Kaslik, Lebanon…

From  240412 160 plays 0