Search for tag: "technical communication tools"

"Crafting Accessible Content Online" Webinar

This presentation reviews best practices for addressing accessibility while you design documents & texts, spreadsheets & tables, presentations & media, and forms.

From  Michael Fortune 179 plays 0  

Accessibility in Word and PowerPoint - Monday, October 16, 2017 11 AM

Accessibility in Word and PowerPoint - Monday, October 16, 2017 11 AM

From  Shaun Hoppel 131 plays 0  

TOEP Webinar Productivity Tools 3/1/2017

The EdTech Webinar series is proud to present our TOEP webinar entitled “Productivity Tools”. This webinar is Wednesday, March 1st, from 12 PM to 1 PM. The Tools of Engagement…

From  Michael Fortune 136 plays 0  

TOEP Webinar Citation Management - S. . . - Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Tools of Engagement Project (TOEP) series of webinars will explore using technology in teaching. These webinars will be certain to help you find creative ways to enhance teaching and learning…

From  Christine Paige 105 plays 0  

Simulations Webinar - 02/07/17

Part of the TOEP Webinar Series, this webinar discusses simulations and how they fit into online and blended teaching. Learning how emerging technologies allow for seamless integration of both…

From  Michael Fortune 158 plays 0  

Making Accessible Documents - Hoppel

This presentation will cover the best practices for the creation and manipulation of accessible Word, PDF, and PowerPoint files. After defining accessibility and presenting the legal foundations for…

From  Ed Tech 110 plays 0  

Assignment Calculator - Logsdon and Moreland

This session discusses the benefits of using an assignment calculator with students to help manage the writing process.

From  Ed Tech 152 plays 0  

Native Plants

Lecture by Drew Monthie on native plants of New York that was part of the sustainability lecture series.

From  Sadie Ross 82 plays 0