Search for tag: "challenge"
Ask5: The Impact of Social Impact with guest Kristi Hughes of the Empire Justice CenterAsk5: The Impact of Social Impact with guest Kristi Hughes of the Empire Justice Center. This segment explores career options for those passionate about justice and social impact, providing insights…
From Anita Brown
96 plays
AC CC3 Recommendations for Supporting Autistic and Neurodiverse Students_ A Universal Design ApproachAC CC3_ Recommendations for Supporting Autistic and Neurodiverse Students_ A Universal Design Approach
From Kevin Bane
67 plays
Power of Play - Zero To Three Magic of Everyday MomentsPlay is how children test their ideas and learn new skills. From day 1, children are eager and determined to understand how the world works. Play is how children learn to communicate, problem…
From Maree Michaud-Sacks
178 plays
Reason & Respect - Nov. 2, 2020 Part 2Recording of the MS Teams Meeting open "Community Conversation" to discuss the presentation by Tom Mackey as Reason & Respect Series Speaker #1. November 2, 2020.
From Kevin Bane
65 plays
9-30-20 VSG Refresher Webinar by EETFollowing the kick-off panel meeting co-hosted by CMLAI and the EdTechs, the Educational Technologists are offering additional sessions to review effective…
From Michael Fortune
114 plays
SUNY Empire Careers in Human ResourcesNew this fall, SUNY Empire’s Careers In virtual panel series! On September 24, we will be hosting our second in the series with Careers in Human Resource Management. Hear from experts in the…
From Karen Gregory
62 plays
Teaching with Open Educational Resources with Susan OaksToday's episode features a conversation with Saratoga Springs-based faculty member, Susan Oaks on her experience using Open Educational Resources as learning aids for students. She shares her…
From Nathan Sunseri
148 plays
Advanced Educational Psychology Ch15 practice Aligning InstructionMaterial from Eggen & Kauchak's Educational Psychology: Windows on Classrooms (10th ed.; Pearson etext) uploaded in order to comply with accessibility requirements
From instructional design
122 plays
SUNY Empire 10 Gallon ChallengeSUNY Empire State College Officer in Charge Mitch Nesler, and Brandon Aldous, coordinator for student wellness, meet the "10 Gallon Challenge." Nesler and Aldous have responded to various…
From David Henahan
213 plays