Search for tag: "all college 2022"

AC *Meeting of the 2022 College Assembly and State of the College Address

All College Assembly meeting held on March 28th,…

+21 More
From  Kevin Bane 65 plays 0  

AC PS What Can We Do About the Student Mental Health Crisis

AC PS What Can We Do About the Student Mental…

From  Kevin Bane 50 plays 0  

AC PS Sharing our voice - enhancing teaching presence in our courses and social media using Camtasia and Youtube

AC PS Sharing our voice - enhancing teaching…

From  Kevin Bane 43 plays 0  

AC PS Early Childhood Education Initial NYS Certification Program Development

AC PS Early Childhood Education Initial NYS…

From  Kevin Bane 44 plays 0  

AC CC3 Recommendations for Supporting Autistic and Neurodiverse Students_ A Universal Design Approach

AC CC3_ Recommendations for Supporting Autistic…

From  Kevin Bane 68 plays 0  

AC CC3 Human Resources Team - General Information Session

AC CC3 Human Resources Team - General Information…

From  Kevin Bane 53 plays 0  

AC CC1 Opportunity Programs Removing Barriers and Influencing Student Persistence

AC CC1 Opportunity Programs Removing Barriers and…

From  Kevin Bane 49 plays 0  

AC CC1 Giving Program Assessment A New Look An Overview of Assessment Models Used at ESC

AC CC1 Giving Program Assessment A New Look An…

From  Kevin Bane 46 plays 0  

AC AS Nadine Fernandez

AC AS Nadine Fernandez

From  Kevin Bane 51 plays 0  

AC AS Mindy Kronenberg

AC AS Mindy Kronenberg

From  Kevin Bane 52 plays 0  

AC AS Connelly Akstens

AC AS Connelly Akstens

From  Kevin Bane 53 plays 0  

AC PS We're Moving_ How Faculty and Staff Can Ready for the Conversion from Moodle to Brightspace

AC PS_ We're Moving_ How Faculty and Staff…

From  Kevin Bane 52 plays 0  

AC PS Value, Motivation and Learning Does the Science Inform

AC PS Value, Motivation and Learning Does the…

From  Kevin Bane 44 plays 0  

AC PS Registrar's Office Back to Basics

AC PS Registrar's Office Back to Basics

From  Kevin Bane 63 plays 0  

AC PS Degree Works & The School for Undergraduate Studies

AC PS Degree Works & The School for…

From  Kevin Bane 55 plays 0  

AC PS Creating College Reading Skills Digital Learning Objects

AC PS Creating College Reading Skills Digital…

From  Kevin Bane 42 plays 0