Do you struggle to teach students on multiple levels? UPchieve's FREE, on-demand online tutoring can help you identify your students' learning gaps and fill them so you can keep teaching…
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Video provided for accurate captions
Video provided for accurate captions
Video provided for captions.
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Video provided for captions
Video provided for captions
Accounting courses: Introductory video. The video content was developed by Dr. Nazik Roufaiel and designed by SUNY Empire Online Multimedia Designer.
What financial statements are required for publicly traded companies? What goes into the notes for the financial statements? What is the difference between real accounts and nominal accounts? How do…
Why do we need adjusting entries? How do we account for unrecorded receivables and liabilities?
What is the statement of cash flows? What information is provided? What are the three different types of transactions displayed on this financial statement?
We define the income statement, describe the purpose of the income statement, and determine what information is included in the income statement.