Search for tag: "availability"

Types of Heuristics Availability, Representativeness & Base

Video provided for accurate captions. A descriptive transcript is attached to this video.

From  Heather Bennett 1 plays 0  

TOEP Webinar Productivity Tools 3/1/2017

The EdTech Webinar series is proud to present our TOEP webinar entitled “Productivity Tools”. This webinar is Wednesday, March 1st, from 12 PM to 1 PM. The Tools of Engagement…

From  Michael Fortune 136 plays 0  

Overview of Educational Technologies in the Rochester Location - Moreland

A discussion of Loaner laptops, Immersive Cloud Learning, Active learning Classroom, Mobile/ BYOD and other technologies in the new Rochester Location.

From  Ed Tech 109 plays 0  

ESC Student Testimonials 2016

Current students share some of the reasons for choosing SUNY Empire State College.

From  Joshua Gaul 4,618 plays 0