09:16duration 9 minutes 16 seconds
Conversation From our Archive Chicago's 1995…
Conversation From our Archive Chicago's 1995 Heat Wave
Video provided for captions
17:42duration 17 minutes 42 seconds
Able Privilege, Re-Conceptualizing Disability…
Able Privilege, Re-Conceptualizing Disability Alan Larson at TEDxSFA
Video provided for captions.
10:31duration 10 minutes 31 seconds
The importance of mindset in policing
YouTube video The importance of mindset in policing used in CRJS-1005 Introduction to Criminal Justice.
01:17:49duration 1 hour 17 minutes
Creative Expressions: Enduring COVID-19: Health,…
Creative Expressions: Enduring COVID-19: Health, Recovery & Hope - June 18, 2020
The SUNY Empire community has a rich and varied artist community. Come and meet our faculty, staff, student, and alumni artists to learn a little about their creative expressions, their process, and…
01:08:51duration 1 hour 8 minutes
Peter Cole's Dockworker Power
Presentation by Peter Cole on the power of Dockworkers and the Labor Movement. From the Harry Van Arsdale School of Labor, Thursday, Oct. 10, 2019
03:23duration 3 minutes 23 seconds
LGBT WORKPLACE ISSUES_Edie Windsor and the ACLU Challenge the Defense of Marriage Act
Edie Windsor for LGBT Workplace Issues course
15:08duration 15 minutes 8 seconds
2015 Metro Commencement - Brian Gallagher…
2015 Metro Commencement - Brian Gallagher Honorary Degree Presentation
H. Carl McCall, the Chairman of SUNY Board of Trustees, presents Brian Gallagher with an honorary degree.
55:02duration 55 minutes 2 seconds
Winter Gardens
Lecture by Sadie Ross on winter gardens that was part of the Sustainability lecture series in the winter of 2013.