Search for tag: "epistemological theories"

Reason & Respect Nov. 2, 2020 Part 1

The first in our series of events for the Reason & Respect initiative, Dr. Tom Mackey will present on "Advancing Metaliteracy to Rebuild Trust" in this live streamed event. November 2,…

From  Kevin Bane 80 plays 0  

College Council Meeting - August 27, 2020

College Council Meeting - August 27, 2020

From  Tiffany Williams 119 plays 0  

AUDITING--M2 Purpose and Objectives of Auditing - ACCT 4015

The purpose of the auditor and the objectives of the auditor

+13 More
From  Barbara Warschawski 381 plays 0  

2013 Boyer Lecture - David Orr

Lecture at 2013 All College by Dr. David Orr

From  Sadie Ross 133 plays 0