Search for tag: "epidemiology"

Public Health Careers_ Epidemiologist, Part 1

Video with accurate captions

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From  Bonnie Farrell 3 plays 0  

Reason & Respect Nov. 2, 2020 Part 1

The first in our series of events for the Reason & Respect initiative, Dr. Tom Mackey will present on "Advancing Metaliteracy to Rebuild Trust" in this live streamed event. November 2,…

From  Kevin Bane 80 plays 0  

Careers in Business

The Careers In Business virtual panel was held on Tuesday, October 13 from 6 – 7 p.m. Experts in their field shared their advice pertaining to key skills needed, experiences and tips for…

+65 More
From  Anita Brown 54 plays 0  

Alumni Town Hall

Alumni Town Hall

From  Nathan Sunseri 113 plays 0  

"Evaluation and Feedback to Increase Student Engagement" Webinar

Now that your courses are setup online, it can be beneficial to consider a plan for maintaining and increasing student engagement. This includes selecting tools that you can use to continue…

From  Michael Fortune 128 plays 0  

Local Solutions in the Opioid Crisis

Local Solution to the Opioid Crisis Forum_9-26_19

From  Drew Wardle 145 plays 0  

Grantsmanship 101- Finding Fundable Ideas at the NIH AC170323_NIH

From  Ed Tech 25 plays 0