Search for tag: "truth"
Reason & Respect - Nov. 2, 2020 Part 2Recording of the MS Teams Meeting open "Community Conversation" to discuss the presentation by Tom Mackey as Reason & Respect Series Speaker #1. November 2, 2020.
From Kevin Bane
65 plays
Reason & Respect Nov. 2, 2020 Part 1The first in our series of events for the Reason & Respect initiative, Dr. Tom Mackey will present on "Advancing Metaliteracy to Rebuild Trust" in this live streamed event. November 2,…
From Kevin Bane
80 plays
The Importance of the Freedom of the Press - Constitution Day Event 2018Constitution Day 2018 event held in three different ESC locations. A panel discussion of the Importance of the Freedom of the Press. Panelists include SUNY Empire faculty members Associate…
From Anita Brown
63 plays
Advancing the Promise of American Higher Education in the 21st Century - Dr. Martha KanterDr. Martha Kanter presents her lecture on Advancing the Promise of American Higher Education in the 21st Century.
From Karen LaBarge
201 plays