15:07duration 15 minutes 7 seconds
TEDxLosGatos - Marc Goodman - Future Crimes
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14:25duration 14 minutes 25 seconds
Preventing Terrorism a Millennial Challenge …
Preventing Terrorism a Millennial Challenge Sondre Lindahl TEDxSOAS
17:24duration 17 minutes 24 seconds
Lessons from history’s biggest Ponzi scheme…
Lessons from history’s biggest Ponzi scheme Diana Henriques TEDxYale
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09:45duration 9 minutes 45 seconds
New Normal How We are Becoming Desensitized to…
New Normal How We are Becoming Desensitized to Violence Emmy Thamakaison TEDxYouth@ISBangkok
15:10duration 15 minutes 10 seconds
Trespass, Trash and Train Jeff Ferrell at TEDxCMU
08:45duration 8 minutes 45 seconds
Why feminism needs men - and men need feminism …
Why feminism needs men - and men need feminism Nikki van der Gaag TEDxLSHTM
09:37duration 9 minutes 37 seconds
Removing Labels Dominique Goodmond …
Removing Labels Dominique Goodmond TEDxPerryvilleCorrectional
12:39duration 12 minutes 39 seconds
From Genes to Addiction How Risk Unfolds Across…
From Genes to Addiction How Risk Unfolds Across the Lifespan Dr. Danielle Dick TEDxRVA
10:28duration 10 minutes 28 seconds
The need for human connection and why it starts…
The need for human connection and why it starts with ourselves Molly Carroll TEDxManhattanBeach
24:27duration 24 minutes 27 seconds
Modern-Day Anomie Jeong Whan Park …
Modern-Day Anomie Jeong Whan Park TEDxGeorgetown
07:03duration 7 minutes 3 seconds
Is Free Will an Illusion Nick Jankovic …
Is Free Will an Illusion Nick Jankovic TEDxYouth@ISBangkok
19:59duration 19 minutes 59 seconds
Victomology! Justice for the victims Nadirshaw…
Victomology! Justice for the victims Nadirshaw Dhondy TEDxSayajigunj
18:10duration 18 minutes 10 seconds
We Are All Criminals Emily Baxter TEDxUNG
14:34duration 14 minutes 34 seconds
The Future of Criminology Brian Boutwell …
The Future of Criminology Brian Boutwell TEDxSaintLouisUniversity