Search for tag: "didactics"
Center for Autism Inclusivity Question and Answer Session, Oct. 26, 2020Recording of the live stream from the SUNY Empire State College/Anderson Center for Autism "Center for Autism Inclusivity" Question and Answer session held on October 26, 2020. Speakers…
From Kevin Bane
217 plays
Graduate School Panel_MSW, Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling ProgramSUNY Empire hosted a Virtual Graduate School Admissions Program on September 16, 2020. The purpose of the program was to be able to help students understand the different graduate programs and…
From Karen Gregory
253 plays
CareersInAddictionNew this fall, SUNY Empire’s Careers In virtual panel series! Hear from experts in the field about their career path, what experiences and skills you should be building upon and bits of advice…
From Karen Gregory
89 plays
Virtual Town Hall: Racial JusticeIn light of the long history of racially motivated violence against people of color in this country, recently captured on video, and the movement for a more just society that we are now witnessing,…
From Brian Styk
108 plays
Advanced Educational Psychology Ch15 practice Aligning InstructionMaterial from Eggen & Kauchak's Educational Psychology: Windows on Classrooms (10th ed.; Pearson etext) uploaded in order to comply with accessibility requirements
From instructional design
122 plays
Mastery of video in the ESC Online Environment - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 2.59.59 PM Digital Day 2018Mastery of video in the ESC Online Environment - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 2.59.59 PM Digital Day 2018
From Shaun Hoppel
68 plays
Technology in the Arts - How Digital Presence Benefits our Educational Purpose - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 11.15.12 AM Digital Day 2018Technology in the Arts - How Digital Presence Benefits our Educational Purpose - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 11.15.12 AM Digital Day 2018
From Shaun Hoppel
57 plays
Recruiter SlideshowThis video introduces prospective students to SUNY Empire State College, its mission, a brief history, and the student experience while attending the college. Created on 1/26/2016.
6,283 plays