Search for tag: "people"
Quick Overview of Breakout Rooms in MS TeamsThis video tutorial demonstrates how to quickly set up the new Breakout Room feature in MS Teams. SUNY Empire faculty and staff are able to use this feature as the “organizer” of the…
From Michael Fortune
156 plays
Power of Play - Zero To Three Magic of Everyday MomentsPlay is how children test their ideas and learn new skills. From day 1, children are eager and determined to understand how the world works. Play is how children learn to communicate, problem…
From Maree Michaud-Sacks
178 plays
Reason & Respect - Nov. 2, 2020 Part 2Recording of the MS Teams Meeting open "Community Conversation" to discuss the presentation by Tom Mackey as Reason & Respect Series Speaker #1. November 2, 2020.
From Kevin Bane
65 plays
9-30-20 VSG Refresher Webinar by EETFollowing the kick-off panel meeting co-hosted by CMLAI and the EdTechs, the Educational Technologists are offering additional sessions to review effective…
From Michael Fortune
114 plays
SUNY Empire Careers in Human ResourcesNew this fall, SUNY Empire’s Careers In virtual panel series! On September 24, we will be hosting our second in the series with Careers in Human Resource Management. Hear from experts in the…
From Karen Gregory
62 plays
CareersInAddictionNew this fall, SUNY Empire’s Careers In virtual panel series! Hear from experts in the field about their career path, what experiences and skills you should be building upon and bits of advice…
From Karen Gregory
89 plays
Center for Autism Inclusivity Town Hall for Individuals and Families - 8/25/2020Recording of the Virtual Town Hall to introduce the Center for Autism Inclusivity to interested individuals, families, and students.
From Kevin Bane
193 plays
Creative Expressions: From Film and Photography to Found Objects Art - August 13, 2020Creative Expressions: From Film and Photography to Found Objects Art Thursday, August 13, 20205-6 pm Alumnus Natural Langdon is an award winning director, writer, producer, and photographer,…
From Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein
160 plays
Creative Expressions: Musical Roots from Africa to America - The Journey of Two Families - August 6, 2020Creative Expressions: Musical Roots from Africa to America - The Journey of Two Families Thursday, August 6, 2020 5-6 pm The SUNY Empire community has a rich and varied artist…
From Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein
152 plays
"Evaluation and Feedback to Increase Student Engagement" WebinarNow that your courses are setup online, it can be beneficial to consider a plan for maintaining and increasing student engagement. This includes selecting tools that you can use to continue…
From Michael Fortune
128 plays
Creative Expressions: Intersection of Arts, Culture and Activism in #BLM and #NativeLivesMatter MovementsCreative Expressions: Intersection of Arts, Culture and Activism in #BLM and #NativeLivesMatter MovementsThursday, July 30, 2020 - 5-6pmThe SUNY Empire community has a rich and varied artist…
From Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein
250 plays
Creative Expressions: Alumni Artists and Arts Educators - July 23, 2020Creative Expressions: Alumni Artists and Arts EducatorsThursday, July 23, 2020 - 5-6pmThe SUNY Empire community has a rich and varied artist community. Join us each week to meet our faculty, staff,…
From Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein
131 plays
Creative Expressions: Poetry Slam – Voices be Heard! - Thursday, June 25, 2020Creative Expressions: Poetry Slam – Voices be Heard! Thursday, June 25, 2020 - 5-6pm The SUNY Empire community has a rich and varied artist community. Join us and meet our faculty,…
From Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein
151 plays
Face-to-face Meetings in MS Teams webinar - 06/23/2020This webinar will be looking at all the essentials and new options available to organize, inform, and engage your participants when conducting meetings. The presentation will include a walkthrough…
From Michael Fortune
78 plays
Creative Expressions: Enduring COVID-19: Health, Recovery & Hope - June 18, 2020The SUNY Empire community has a rich and varied artist community. Come and meet our faculty, staff, student, and alumni artists to learn a little about their creative expressions, their process, and…
From Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein
247 plays