Search for tag: "engineering"
Careers in BusinessThe Careers In Business virtual panel was held on Tuesday, October 13 from 6 – 7 p.m. Experts in their field shared their advice pertaining to key skills needed, experiences and tips for…
From Anita Brown
54 plays
SUNY Empire Careers in Human ResourcesNew this fall, SUNY Empire’s Careers In virtual panel series! On September 24, we will be hosting our second in the series with Careers in Human Resource Management. Hear from experts in the…
From Karen Gregory
62 plays
Face-to-face Meetings in MS Teams webinar - 06/23/2020This webinar will be looking at all the essentials and new options available to organize, inform, and engage your participants when conducting meetings. The presentation will include a walkthrough…
From Michael Fortune
78 plays
Creative Expressions: Music and Mixed Media - June 11, 2020Creative Expressions: Listening and Looking through the Layers - Music and Mixed Media Art Thursday, June 11, 2020 5-6pm The SUNY Empire community has a rich and varied artist community.…
From Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein
97 plays
Creative Expressions - Fiber Arts - April 23, 2020The videos for this virtual art presentation series are initially captioned automatically. It takes about 1 week from upload to have the automated captions edited for accuracy. If you have questions…
From Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein
105 plays
Self-Service Banner Training for Faculty - Friday, September 14, 2018Self-Service Banner Training for Faculty - Friday, September 14, 2018 1.00.40 PM33
From Shaun Hoppel
279 plays
College Council Meeting - May 2, 2018Video from the May 2, 2018, College Council meeting held at 2 Union Ave., Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
From Tiffany Williams
95 plays
AUDITING --M3 Evidence and Reliability ACCT 4015This video discussion centers around "evidence" and the reliability and types of evidence the auditor gathers.
From Barbara Warschawski
69 plays
Search Like A Librarian - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 2.00.13 PM Digital Day 2018Search Like A Librarian - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 2.00.13 PM Digital Day 2018
From Shaun Hoppel
66 plays