Search for tag: "textbook"
Quick Tour of the LibraryA quick tour of the main services and tools available through the SUNY Empire State University Library web site.
From Dana Longley
53 plays
Digital Course Material Use and Perceptions across US Higher Education FacultyDigital classroom materials are ubiquitous across higher education classrooms. Faculty are regularly using digital versions of textbooks, homework, quizzes and more, and the levels of use are high…
From Josephine Coco
41 plays
Library Support for Affordable Textbook OptionsTextbook costs have been rising faster than inflation since the 70s, and at this point, paying for textbooks is a barrier to higher education for many students. Many simply choose to do without their…
From Mariah Lamb
55 plays
Teaching with Open Educational Resources with Susan OaksToday's episode features a conversation with Saratoga Springs-based faculty member, Susan Oaks on her experience using Open Educational Resources as learning aids for students. She shares her…
From Nathan Sunseri
148 plays
Alternative Textbook RequestsThis video walks students through the online application for alternative textbooks form that must be completed for the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services to process requests for textbooks…
From Melissa Zgliczynski
221 plays
M1 BRIEF EXERCISE 2-3 PROBLEM DEMONSTRATION - ACCT 2005review of accounting equation and solving for retained earnings.
From Barbara Warschawski
1,164 plays