Join us for an engaging Ask5: Finding Your Opportunity with People Inc.’s Ashley Barbosa. We'll discuss Ashley’s inspiring career journey, exploring key milestones and challenges…
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Ask5: The Impact of Social Impact with guest Kristi Hughes of the Empire Justice Center. This segment explores career options for those passionate about justice and social impact, providing insights…
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Hal Turner - Open Learning Initiative at Carnegie Mellon University Erin Czerwinski - Open Learning Initiative at Carnegie Mellon UniversitySUNY OER Services and the Open Learning Initiative have a…
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Recording of the Town Hall Meeting introducing the "Reason and Respect" initiative promoting civic engagement and civil discourse at SUNY Empire State College. Speakers include Beth Berlin,…
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Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs License
Recording of the live stream from the SUNY Empire State College/Anderson Center for Autism "Center for Autism Inclusivity" Question and Answer session held on October 26, 2020. Speakers…
Creative Commons
Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs License
In part 1 of this two part series, educational technologist Lindsay Byrde talks with faculty mentors Jenny Mincin and Duncan RyanMann. They share what their Virtual Study Group experience has been…
Careers In Business virtual panel was held on Tuesday, October 13 from 6 – 7 p.m. Experts in their field shared their advice pertaining to key skills needed,
experiences and tips for…