Search for tag: "engagement"
Conference Strategies: Networking and Learning to Make the Most Out of Your ExperienceConference Strategies: Networking and Learning to Make the Most Out of Your Experience Conferences are more than just sessions and keynotes—they’re opportunities to network, learn,…
From Anita Brown
9 plays
UDL Principles Matter: A Professional Development Framework for Higher Education InstitutionsUniversal Design for Learning (UDL) is a pedagogical model that promotes inclusive and accessible learning environments. UDL seeks to encourage equity in the teaching and learning process and…
From Josephine Coco
62 plays
Increase Student Engagement in Any EnvironmentTeaching in today's post-pandemic education climate has been incredibly challenging, and educators are looking for new ways to increase student engagement and collaboration for in-person,…
From Josephine Coco
44 plays
Ask5: The Impact of Social Impact with guest Kristi Hughes of the Empire Justice CenterAsk5: The Impact of Social Impact with guest Kristi Hughes of the Empire Justice Center. This segment explores career options for those passionate about justice and social impact, providing insights…
From Anita Brown
96 plays
Community Conversation: Voting 101Presentation on the basics of registering and voting with an introduction by Monroe County NY Board of Elections Commissioner Jackie Ortiz and featuring community engagement officer Annette Ramos as…
From Kevin Bane
178 plays
Leveraging SUNY Partnerships-20230608Presenters: Tony DeFranco, Norman Bier - Director of the Open Learning Initiative (OLI) at Carnegie Mellon University, Tori Matthews - Senior Executive Director of Partnerships, Lumen LearningSUNY…
From Joel Glastetter
41 plays
Reason and Respect Initiative Kick Off Oct. 27, 2020Recording of the Town Hall Meeting introducing the "Reason and Respect" initiative promoting civic engagement and civil discourse at SUNY Empire State College. Speakers include Beth Berlin,…
From Kevin Bane
131 plays
Dr. Andrew Hashey - 4th Annual Diversity and Inclusion ForumDr. Andrew Hashey - 4th Annual Diversity and Inclusion Forum April 11, 2018
From Shaun Hoppel
131 plays
Simulations Webinar - 02/07/17Part of the TOEP Webinar Series, this webinar discusses simulations and how they fit into online and blended teaching. Learning how emerging technologies allow for seamless integration of both…
From Michael Fortune
161 plays
Lifelong Learning Webinar - 01/24/17EdTech Webinar series is proud to present our first TOEP webinar series instillation titled “Lifelong Learning.”This webinar was Tuesday, January 24th at 12 pm. The Tools of…
From Michael Fortune
202 plays