Search for tag: "notes"
Learning Disabilities are a Social Construct Trudy Poux TEDxDeerfieldYouTube video Learning Disabilities are a Social Construct (Trudy Poux, 2020, TEDxDeerfield [14:28])
From Robert Kester
84 plays
Journal Entries: Collecting cash and paying obligations - ACCT 2005How do we create journal entries for collecting payments due a company or paying obligations? What is the general process for creating a journal entry?
From Alena A Rodick
237 plays
Year-end Financial Activities: Financial Statements and Closing the Books - ACCT 2005What financial statements are required for publicly traded companies? What goes into the notes for the financial statements? What is the difference between real accounts and nominal accounts? How do…
From Alena A Rodick
281 plays
Synchronous Teaching in Teams Webinar September 2020This session will be looking at the unique challenges and opportunities for creative instruction utilizing the college’s supported video conferencing platform, MS Teams. We will address:…
From Michael Fortune
133 plays
GOVT ACCTG EX 14-1 AND 14-2 Problem Demonstration VideoBasical financial statements--federal agency vs. U.S. Government
From Barbara Warschawski
51 plays