Join us for an insightful Ask5 session, "Shaping the Future: Opportunities in Healthcare," with Artem Altman, an HR professional specializing in staff development at NYC Health. Artem will…
Join us for a career conversation with the coordinator of Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), a program dedicated to providing veterans with specialized training and…
Ask5: Unveiling the Essence of Workforce
Development with guest Angela
Wallace, ’15 & ’21, Training Specialist, American Packaging Corporation
October 5, 12…
Recording of the live stream from the SUNY Empire State College/Anderson Center for Autism "Center for Autism Inclusivity" Question and Answer session held on October 26, 2020. Speakers…
Virtual Town Hall to introduce the Center for Autism Inclusivity to those agencies and professionals involved in the area of Autism support and advocacy.