Search for tag: "note"

How to Use Chat in a Microsoft Teams Meeting

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From  Scott Silverman 17 plays 0  

What is an Extended Metaphor Lesson and Activity

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From  Scott Silverman 18 plays 0  

Sec 4.3 A set containing the zero vector is linearly dependent (proof)

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From  Bonnie Farrell 23 plays 0  

APA Formatting for PowerPoint How to Apply APA Style to PowerPoint Presentations

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From  Angie Kassab 67 plays 0  

Submit a Video in a Brightspace Assignment

This video shows students how to create and submit a video assignment in a course in Brightspace.

From  Michael Fortune 564 plays 0  

Fall Academic Conference 2021 - Day 3 - Closing Plenary : ESC at 50 - Where Are We Going

The closing plenary session will continue the theme of the college’s 50th anniversary by asking participants to consider how they as individual mentors and professionals are moving the mission…

From  Lindsay Bryde 69 plays 0  

Synchronous Teaching in Teams Webinar September 2020

This session will be looking at the unique challenges and opportunities for creative instruction utilizing the college’s supported video conferencing platform, MS Teams. We will address:…

From  Michael Fortune 130 plays 0  

HVA - Teaching in Teams Training - Friday, 07/24/20

This is the training session from Friday, July 24th. It was presented by Lindsay Bryde and moderated by Michael Fortune.

From  Lindsay Bryde 90 plays 0  

InterAcctgII--Exercise 14-20

installment payments and recording of notes payable

From  Barbara Warschawski 83 plays 0  


recording transactions of a new business

From  Barbara Warschawski 1,001 plays 0