Interested in making a positive impact in your community? Join us for "Ask5 Building Futures: A Conversation in Community Development," an opportunity to engage with a leading expert in…
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Video provided for captions.
Ask5: The Impact of Social Impact with guest Kristi Hughes of the Empire Justice Center. This segment explores career options for those passionate about justice and social impact, providing insights…
YouTube video Education - The most powerful weapon against poverty (Aisha Kwaku, 2020, TEDxBUK, [17:13])
AC CC3 Faculty on becoming allies in anti-racism
Creative Commons
Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs License
AC CC2 Research about International Virtual Exchange at Empire State College
Creative Commons
Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs License
Classifying Changes in PBO
Merodie Hancock makes opening remarks and introduces guest speakers during the grand opening and ribbon cutting for the college's new Rochester-area facility.