Search for tag: "portal"
How to Confirm your Registration and Schedule_101024This video will assist you in confirming your registration and schedule.
From Michele Czub
27 plays
The Time Payment PlanSUNY Empire offers the Time Payment Plan, an interest-free, low-cost option allowing students to pay their tuition balance through monthly installments. For a $25 non-refundable fee, students can…
From Jameelah Ahmed947
104 plays
Viewing Tickets in the Client PortalThis video will explain how all users can view their submitted tickets in the teamdynamix client portal
From Adam Deyglio
305 plays
Submitting Service Requests using the Client Portal StudentThis video will explain how students can submit service requests in the teamdynamix client portal
From Adam Deyglio
172 plays
Submitting Service Requests using the Client Portal Faculty & StaffThis video will explain how faculty and staff will submit service requests in teamdynamixclient portal
From Adam Deyglio
166 plays
AC CC2 Piloting the New Experiential Learning Program at SUNY Empire State CollegeAC CC2 Piloting the New Experiential Learning Program at SUNY Empire State College
From Kevin Bane
51 plays