02:36duration 2 minutes 36 seconds
Examples of Attention Getters
Video provided for captions.
10:28duration 10 minutes 28 seconds
The need for human connection and why it starts…
The need for human connection and why it starts with ourselves Molly Carroll TEDxManhattanBeach
Video provided for captions
15:08duration 15 minutes 8 seconds
On a scale of 1-10, how crazy are you
14:02duration 14 minutes 2 seconds
The Clinical Assessment of Substance Use…
The Clinical Assessment of Substance Use Disorders - role-modeling the initial visit
01:07:54duration 1 hour 7 minutes
AC PS What Can We Do About the Student Mental…
AC PS What Can We Do About the Student Mental Health Crisis
43:34duration 43 minutes 34 seconds
Intro LGBTQ Studies Class Seminar M5 screening…
Intro LGBTQ Studies Class Seminar M5 screening LGBTQ 11-11-20
This is an overview and introduction to the chapter, Screening LGBTQ+, for Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies, Fall 2020.