Search for tag: "base"
Calculus 1 M6 Riemann sumsIn this video, I show how to load the Student[Calculus1] package and how to compute Riemann sums in Maple.
From Josephine Coco
14 plays
Types of Heuristics Availability, Representativeness & BaseVideo provided for accurate captions. A descriptive transcript is attached to this video. Select the attachments tab to view the descriptive transcript.
From Heather Bennett
9 plays
Transition from ServiceNow to TeamDynamixTDX-20230606Presenter: Filomena Cartwright, Sam Litfin Information Technology Services is excited to go live with SUNY Empire's new service management system, Team Dynamix. This presentation will review how…
From Joel Glastetter
74 plays
Play is a Competitive Advantage for CitiesYouTube video Play is a Competitive Advantage for Cities (2:20), used in ECET-4015 Development and Meaning of Play.
From Robert Kester
60 plays
Preparing to teach remotely webinar - 03/11/2020This webinar is designed to assist faculty who wish to make the transition from in-person study groups to a virtual environment. We will be reviewing tools and best practices for online…
From Michael Fortune
98 plays