Search for tag: "assessment."

Ask5: Behind the Role: Exploring a Career as an Assessor with Maggie Alix

Join us for an engaging career conversation with property assessors as we dive into the skills, certifications, and professional development needed for a successful career in assessment. We’ll…

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From  Anita Brown 52 plays 0  

Formative assessment through memes, puzzles, and games

Help all learners unlock mastery through memes, puzzles, and games! Come see how to use memes as a powerful learning tool to assess understanding and drive deeper learning. Challenge your students to…

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From  Josephine Coco 60 plays 0  

How Librarians Can Help With Assessment Design

Whenever you assign a research project, you can work with a librarian to guide students towards appropriate search tools and techniques, tools and tutorials for citing their sources properly, and…

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From  Mariah Lamb 38 plays 0  

Discover NVivo. The most cited and powerful software for qualitative data analysis.

Video provided for accurate captions and transcript

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From  Ed Tech 29 plays 0  

Phase III - Maintaining, Sustaining and Integrating

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From  Ed Tech 37 plays 0  

Phase I - Laying the Foundation for Curriculum Change

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From  Ed Tech 40 plays 0  

About Assessment Reshan Richards at TEDxNYED

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From  Ed Tech 81 plays 0  

Torus: Crafting OER with Learning Engineering

Hal Turner - Open Learning Initiative at Carnegie Mellon University Erin Czerwinski - Open Learning Initiative at Carnegie Mellon UniversitySUNY OER Services and the Open Learning Initiative have a…

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From  Joel Glastetter 114 plays 0  

Assessment & Instruction in Digital Environments

This presentation overviews areas involved in effective assessment design beginning with an engaging rich instructional scenario that is mindful of content requirements, the learner, and learner…

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From  Ed Tech 45 plays 0  

Quality of Life: How Behavior Analysts Measure Happiness

By definition, behavior analysts increase socially significant behavior to a meaningful degree. This is the root of our practice, but how many behavior analysts operationally define and measure what…

From  Susan McFadden 108 plays 0  

Bright Innovations to Engage Students - Part 3 - Assessment-8/10/22

This four-part training series is for professionals and support staff members who work closely with students or may have students asking them basic questions about Brightspace, the college's…

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From  Nichole Jakaub 269 plays 0  

AC CC1 Giving Program Assessment A New Look An Overview of Assessment Models Used at ESC

AC CC1 Giving Program Assessment A New Look An Overview of Assessment Models Used at ESC

From  Kevin Bane 46 plays 0  

Decision Support Drop-in Session- Program Assessment Dashboard-20220124_110326-Meeting Recording

An overview of the new Program Assessment dashboard

From  Amanda Mickel 43 plays 0  

Day 2 - Concurrent Session 4 - SUNY Empire’s Mission for Strengthened Communities: Shared Reflection and a Germinal Idea - Sarah Valentine

This session will first invite participants to reflect on the ways in which SUNY Empire has, and does, contribute to strengthening of communities. In this light, and in consideration of the…

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From  Sarah Valentine 56 plays 0  

Power of Play - Zero To Three Magic of Everyday Moments

Play is how children test their ideas and learn new skills. From day 1, children are eager and determined to understand how the world works. Play is how children learn to communicate, problem…

From  Maree Michaud-Sacks 179 plays 0  

Using Open Educational Resources to Enhance Online Learning

This session will look at how Open Educational Resources and video repositories online can be used to reduce the barriers of cost and access for students. We will be looking at tools like MERLOT,…

From  Lindsay Bryde 307 plays 0