Search for tag: "war"

Through A Lens Darkly Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People (2014)

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From  Scott Silverman 4 plays 0  

Emmeline Pankhurst Hartford Speech November 1913 Suffragettes and Votes for Women

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From  Scott Silverman 27 plays 0  

Syrian refugees More than 13 million displaced in conflict

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From  Heather Bennett 24 plays 0  

A war without a name France's controversial colonial past in Algeria • FRANCE 24 English

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From  Scott Silverman 30 plays 0  

v2attentioncheck12 - Biden 5

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From  Scott Silverman 39 plays 0  

Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency

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From  Angie Kassab 47 plays 0  

BBC podcast by Douglas Coupland The Medium is the Message - Marshall McLuhan

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From  Scott Silverman 59 plays 0  

TEDxLosGatos - Marc Goodman - Future Crimes

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From  Robert Kester 32 plays 0  

Preventing Terrorism a Millennial Challenge Sondre Lindahl TEDxSOAS

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From  Robert Kester 31 plays 0  

Henry Moore – Meet 500 Years of British Art

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From  Angie Kassab 35 plays 0  

Inside 'Joseph Cornell Wanderlust' (Part 2)

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From  Angie Kassab 39 plays 0  

Alexander Calder at Tate Modern on The Art Channel

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From  Angie Kassab 33 plays 0  

TED Talk – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi – Flow – 2004

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From  Ed Tech 33 plays 0  

The Business of Brutality Slavery and the Foundations of Capitalism (BABF 2019)

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From  Heather Bennett 53 plays 0  

The Women of International Education

Since 1972, SUNY Empire has worked to make our degrees accessible to students all over the globe. What exactly is involved in making that possible, and who are the people who make it all happen?…

From  Kevin Bane 83 plays 0  

The American Cowboy (clip).mp4

From  Ed Tech 19 plays 0