32:45duration 32 minutes 45 seconds
Dr. Vincent Felitti: Reflections on the Adverse…
Dr. Vincent Felitti: Reflections on the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study
Video downloaded for accurate captioning and…
16:15duration 16 minutes 15 seconds
Safe Is Still Not Enough for LGBTQ+ Students …
Safe Is Still Not Enough for LGBTQ+ Students Michael Sadowski TEDxBard College
Video for caption purposes
10:28duration 10 minutes 28 seconds
The need for human connection and why it starts…
The need for human connection and why it starts with ourselves Molly Carroll TEDxManhattanBeach
Video provided for captions
24:27duration 24 minutes 27 seconds
Modern-Day Anomie Jeong Whan Park …
Modern-Day Anomie Jeong Whan Park TEDxGeorgetown