08:42duration 8 minutes 42 seconds
What is the most important influence on child…
What is the most important influence on child development Tom Weisner TEDxUCLA
Video provided for captions
03:52duration 3 minutes 52 seconds
01:01:22duration 1 hour 1 minute
2018 Hartsdale Commencement Stream Recording Final
40:56duration 40 minutes 56 seconds
David Bejou Plenary 2017 FAC
56:18duration 56 minutes 18 seconds
FAC 2016 Moore
08:51duration 8 minutes 51 seconds
Military Societies
Cliff Eaglefeathers talking about the Cheyenne Military Societies
34:48duration 34 minutes 48 seconds
The Haudenosaunee Story of Earth's Creation…
The Haudenosaunee Story of Earth's Creation - Dr. Amber Adams
Dr. Amber Adams presents the Haundenosaunee Creation Story at NFC's Heritage Celebration. This presentation is sponsored by a SUNY Western Consortium Grant.
01:57:42duration 1 hour 57 minutes
Forum on Race and Policing
01:00:18duration 1 hour 0 minutes
Three Voices that Shape Our Vision: Dr. Elizibeth…
Three Voices that Shape Our Vision: Dr. Elizibeth Minich, March 20, 2014 (Clip)
01:02:33duration 1 hour 2 minutes
Three Voices that Shape Our Vision: Dr. Saleem…
Three Voices that Shape Our Vision: Dr. Saleem Badat March 6, 2014
54:38duration 54 minutes 38 seconds
Ernest Boyer Lecture_2014
01:07:18duration 1 hour 7 minutes
2013 Boyer Lecture - David Orr
Lecture at 2013 All College by Dr. David Orr