Search for tag: "schedule"
How to Confirm your Registration and Schedule_101024This video will assist you in confirming your registration and schedule.
From Michele Czub
19 plays
Gearing Up Students to Achieve Academic SuccessFor anyone teaching in the college setting, the ultimate objective is to guide students to academic success. However, providing effective academic support can be challenging. The GEARS method is an…
From Mariah Lamb
51 plays
How To Edit A Course Schedule In Your Brightspace CourseHow to Edit a Course Schedule in Your Brightspace Course. These directions are intended for School of Nursing and Allied Health (SONAH) adjunct faculty.
From Joel Glastetter
153 plays
Brightspace Fundamentals for Adjuncts - 8/25/2022Empire Online's EdTechs will be presenting an hour-long session on Brightspace basics for adjuncts that reviews navigating the new platform, reviews the communication tools available to engage…
From Nichole Jakaub
320 plays
Graduate School Panel_MSW, Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling ProgramSUNY Empire hosted a Virtual Graduate School Admissions Program on September 16, 2020. The purpose of the program was to be able to help students understand the different graduate programs and…
From Karen Gregory
251 plays
Teams: Calendar, Meetings and PresentationsLearn how to schedule and join a Teams meeting. Get a quick tour of the options available to you if you are presenting in Teams.
From Martha Greatrix
273 plays
Advanced Educational Psychology 12_2Material from Eggen & Kauchak's Educational Psychology: Windows on Classrooms (10th ed.; Pearson etext) uploaded in order to comply with accessibility requirements
113 plays
Graduate Student TestimonialsHear students talk about their experience in pursuing their master's degree at SUNY Empire State College. They talk about taking that next step in their educational journey with the goal of…
From Joshua Gaul
22,788 plays