59:12duration 59 minutes 12 seconds
Allan G Johnson on The Gender Knot Privilege,…
Allan G Johnson on The Gender Knot Privilege, Power, and Difference (2003)
Video provided for captions.
01:00:09duration 1 hour 0 minutes
Power, Privilege and Difference with Dr. Allan…
Power, Privilege and Difference with Dr. Allan Johnson
17:42duration 17 minutes 42 seconds
Able Privilege, Re-Conceptualizing Disability…
Able Privilege, Re-Conceptualizing Disability Alan Larson at TEDxSFA
01:55:50duration 1 hour 55 minutes
Whiteness The Meaning of a Racial, Social and…
Whiteness The Meaning of a Racial, Social and Legal Construct
This video is provided for captions only and not…
01:42:41duration 1 hour 42 minutes
Reason & Respect March 28, 2022 - Attribution…
Reason & Respect March 28, 2022 - Attribution Bias: 'Us' and 'Them'
Samuel Caldwell, chief diversity officer and…
10:18duration 10 minutes 18 seconds
Dr. Andrew Hashey - 4th Annual Diversity and…
Dr. Andrew Hashey - 4th Annual Diversity and Inclusion Forum
02:01duration 2 minutes 1 second
Robert Duffy at the Rochester Ribbon Cutting
Robert Duffy shares remarks at the grand opening…