Search for tag: "parties"

American Hysteria

Provided for captions.

+19 More
From  Angie Kassab 42 plays 0  

Boyer Lecture 2019

Boyer Lecture 2019, Carole Boyce Davies. “Black Women and Political Leadership: Representing “Half the World.”

From  Pat DeCoster 137 plays 0  

The Importance of MidTerm Elections - Get Out To Vote Event

Panel presentation on the history and importance of MidTerm elections held October 30th, 2018 at ESC - Saratoga Springs. Presented by Dr. Karen Garner, Dr. Christopher Grill, and Dr. Edward Warzala.…

+69 More
From  Kevin Bane 64 plays 0  

LGBT WORKPLACE ISSUES_Edie Windsor and the ACLU Challenge the Defense of Marriage Act

Edie Windsor for LGBT Workplace Issues course

+32 More
From  Antonia Jokelova 66 plays 0  

Forum on Race and Policing

+220 More
From  240412 475 plays 0  

Lecture 23 Family Life- How then became now

Lecture 23 Family Life- How then became now

From  Robert Kester 700 plays 3