Search for tag: "means"

Formative assessment through memes, puzzles, and games

Help all learners unlock mastery through memes,…

+22 More
From  Josephine Coco 60 plays 0  

Examples of Attention Getters

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From  Scott Silverman 29 plays 0  

Introduction to inverse functions

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From  Bonnie Farrell 18 plays 0  

Preventing Terrorism a Millennial Challenge Sondre Lindahl TEDxSOAS

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+18 More
From  Robert Kester 35 plays 0  

Turbidity (Module 2)

Turbidity (Module 2)

From  Brian Styk 175 plays 0  

January 2020 Accessibility Course Review Podcast

Welcome to the Teaching and Tech podcast. Where…

From  Nathan Sunseri 60 plays 0  

EET Webinar Emergency accessibility reviews 01/08/2020

This webinar focused on the process in place for…

From  Michael Fortune 122 plays 0