43:50duration 43 minutes 50 seconds
Formative assessment through memes, puzzles, and…
Formative assessment through memes, puzzles, and games
Help all learners unlock mastery through memes,…
02:36duration 2 minutes 36 seconds
Examples of Attention Getters
Video provided for captions.
07:44duration 7 minutes 44 seconds
Introduction to inverse functions
Video provided for captions
14:25duration 14 minutes 25 seconds
Preventing Terrorism a Millennial Challenge …
Preventing Terrorism a Millennial Challenge Sondre Lindahl TEDxSOAS
03:36duration 3 minutes 36 seconds
Turbidity (Module 2)
34:54duration 34 minutes 54 seconds
January 2020 Accessibility Course Review Podcast
Welcome to the Teaching and Tech podcast. Where…
41:41duration 41 minutes 41 seconds
EET Webinar Emergency accessibility reviews…
EET Webinar Emergency accessibility reviews 01/08/2020
This webinar focused on the process in place for…