Search for tag: "introduction"

Knowing Your Audience Audience Analysis for Public Speaking

Video provided for captions.

From  Scott Silverman 22 plays 0  

Joanne Beck Intro

Introduction speech for Public Speaking class by Joanne Beck on 9/16/19.

From  1003542041 68 plays 0  

'We Were Here' Revisits San Francisco's 80's AIDS Epidemic

Video for GSST-2005 Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies; page: Module 2 Additional Video Resources. This video was edited for ADA/captioning purposes.

From  Robert Kester 123 plays 0  

Banner Admin - Filter Enhancements Demonstration

Banner Admin - Filter Enhancements Demonstration

From  Shaun Hoppel 175 plays 0  

Miriam Russell, What advice would you offer about ensuring student engagement and success? (v2)

This is an interview with Miriam Russell about teaching online.

From  Julie Rummings 162 plays 0  

Create Video to Enhance Teaching and Learning with LEARNscape - Foote

Academic video can transform teaching and learning by creating personal connections, improving comprehension, and freeing up time with our students for meaningful and authentic learning activities.…

From  Ed Tech 160 plays 0  

Introduction to Competency Based Learning

Intro video about CBL with director of academic support Daniel McCrea

From  Joshua Gaul 17,484 plays 0