05:37duration 5 minutes 37 seconds
One Caring Adult (5:36)
Provided for captioning purposes
13:07duration 13 minutes 7 seconds
Special Report America's Healthcare - The…
Special Report America's Healthcare - The great divide
Video provided for captions
04:24duration 4 minutes 24 seconds
Health Care Reform 101
Video provided for captions.
07:40duration 7 minutes 40 seconds
Adjusting Entries: Prepaid Expenses - ACCT 2005
How do we account for prepaid expenses?
03:57duration 3 minutes 57 seconds
FSMA4010 Chapter 12, Problem 12
In this video, I will solve problem 12 in chapter 12.
01:26duration 1 minute 26 seconds
GOVT ACCTG EX 14-1 AND 14-2 Problem Demonstration…
GOVT ACCTG EX 14-1 AND 14-2 Problem Demonstration Video
Basical financial statements--federal agency vs. U.S. Government
01:47duration 1 minute 47 seconds
GovtAcctg - Exercise 3-2
partial balance sheet -- general fund
04:51duration 4 minutes 51 seconds
FSMA 3010 Chapter 17
Lease or Purchase Decision
01:17duration 1 minute 17 seconds
AUDITING - M6 Audit Procedures for Property,…
AUDITING - M6 Audit Procedures for Property, Plant and Equipment Retirements - ACCT 4015
05:50duration 5 minutes 50 seconds
ACCT 4010 Advanced Accounting - M5 PROBLEM 19-37
02:35duration 2 minutes 35 seconds
Miriam Russell, What advice would you offer about…
Miriam Russell, What advice would you offer about ensuring student engagement and success? (v2)
This is an interview with Miriam Russell about teaching online.
02:17:56duration 2 hours 17 minutes
Native American Awareness Day
10:02duration 10 minutes 2 seconds
Secondary Traumatic Stress Welcome Video
This video is an introduction to main concepts of this independent study.