Video provided for captions.
Video provided for captions.
Video provided for accurate captions
Video provided for accurate captioning.
YouTube video from UMass Boston, Developmental Sciences at UMass Boston (8:33)
Now that your courses are setup online, it can be beneficial to consider a plan for maintaining and increasing student engagement. This includes selecting tools that you can use to continue…
Creative Commons
Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs License
The videos for this virtual art presentation series are initially captioned automatically. It takes about 1 week from upload to have the automated captions edited for accuracy. If you have questions…
Creative Commons
Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs License
Sue Epstein and Sharon Gerasia for Women in Management
In this episode, we are talking to Diane Perilli and
Carolina Kim de Salamanca about their work creating synchronous learning
opportunities for online courses. Perilli wanted to add…
Creative Commons
Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs License
Edie Windsor for LGBT Workplace Issues course
Webinar - sneak peek are Banner registration from Thursday, March 8 at 11 AM
Academic video can transform teaching and
learning by creating personal connections,
improving comprehension, and freeing up time
with our students for meaningful and authentic
learning activities.…
Sadie Ross, Debbie Jackson, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, and Andrea, Casella Waste Management answer recycling questions of ESC colleagues.
Stephanie Lamendola provides remarks at the 2015 Harry Van Arsdale graduation.