04:41duration 4 minutes 41 seconds
Knowing Your Audience
Video provided for captions.
02:22duration 2 minutes 22 seconds
Stopping Hate Speech
03:28duration 3 minutes 28 seconds
How America Used Poverty As Propaganda
Video provided for captions
08:23duration 8 minutes 23 seconds
The Buffalo Creek Flood - A Sample
01:26:13duration 1 hour 26 minutes
Jamie Madigan The Psychology of Video Game…
Jamie Madigan The Psychology of Video Game Engagement Humanity & Technology Lecture
Video with accurate captions
01:06:50duration 1 hour 6 minutes
Creative Expressions: Musical Roots from Africa…
Creative Expressions: Musical Roots from Africa to America - The Journey of Two Families - August 6, 2020
Creative Expressions: Musical Roots from Africa to America - The Journey of Two Families Thursday, August 6, 2020 5-6 pm The SUNY Empire community has a rich and varied artist…
01:08:37duration 1 hour 8 minutes
College Council Meeting - December 11, 2019
Video from the Dec.11, 2019, College Council meeting held at the Rockefeller Institute for Government in Albany, N.Y.
02:35duration 2 minutes 35 seconds
Miriam Russell, What advice would you offer about…
Miriam Russell, What advice would you offer about ensuring student engagement and success? (v2)
This is an interview with Miriam Russell about teaching online.