Search for tag: "dean"

“I’m Married to Shopping” Obsessive Compulsive Shoppers (Mental Health Documentary) _ Only Human

Video provided for captions

From  Ed Tech 35 plays 0  

Graduate School Panel_MSW, Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling Program

SUNY Empire hosted a Virtual Graduate School Admissions Program on September 16, 2020. The purpose of the program was to be able to help students understand the different graduate programs and…

From  Karen Gregory 220 plays 0  


EOP Orientation: Mary Mawn: Dean of the School of Science

From  Joel Glastetter 103 plays 0  


Frank Vander Valk: Dean of the Social and Behavioral Sciences

From  Joel Glastetter 139 plays 0  


Nicola Marae Allain: Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities

From  Joel Glastetter 134 plays 0  

Julie Gedro EOP Orientation

Julie Gedro EOP Orientation

From  Mariah Lamb 130 plays 0  


Dean of the School of Human Services Orientation Video.

From  Joel Glastetter 128 plays 0  

Sue Epstein and Marcy McGinnis for Women in Management

From  Sue Epstein 204 plays 0