05:21duration 5 minutes 21 seconds
Lev Vygotsky - Sociocultural theory of development
Video provided for accurate captions
01:33duration 1 minute 33 seconds
Lebron James “Black Lives Matter……
Lebron James “Black Lives Matter… when you’re black it’s not a movement, it’s a lifestyle.”
Video provided for captions.
10:50duration 10 minutes 50 seconds
hypothesis testing one sample
Video Provided for captions
02:47duration 2 minutes 47 seconds
Rodeo Celebrates Black Cowboys And Cowgirls In…
Rodeo Celebrates Black Cowboys And Cowgirls In History Of The American West NBC Nightly News.mp4
06:42duration 6 minutes 42 seconds
'We Were Here' Revisits San…
'We Were Here' Revisits San Francisco's 80's AIDS Epidemic
Video for GSST-2005 Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies; page: Module 2 Additional Video Resources. This video was edited for ADA/captioning purposes.