Search for tag: "weeks"

One Caring Adult (5:36)

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From  Robert Kester 2 plays 0  

Preparing for Major Tests

How to prepare for major tests.

From  Mariah Lamb 12 plays 0  

Ask5 with Daniel Cochran of Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program)

Join us for a career conversation with the coordinator of Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), a program dedicated to providing veterans with specialized training and…

From  Anita Brown 18 plays 0  

Anna Maria Chavez 2011 National Convention Speech 1 of 2

Video provided for captions.

From  Scott Silverman 21 plays 0  

Syrian refugees after 5 years in Germany DW Documentary

Video provided for accurate captions

From  Heather Bennett 25 plays 0  

Drowning in Empathy The Cost of Vicarious Trauma Amy Cunningham TEDxSanAntonio

Video provided for captions.

From  Scott Silverman 31 plays 0  

“I’m Married to Shopping” Obsessive Compulsive Shoppers (Mental Health Documentary) _ Only Human

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From  Ed Tech 35 plays 0  

How culture may impact behavior in the classroom

Colorin Colorado, (2016), How culture may impact behavior in the classroom. YouTube video This version provided for purposes of accurate captions.

From  Robert Kester 48 plays 0  

Complete Your Admissions Application Video

Learn how to complete your admissions application through this 1Stop video resource.

From  Mary Austin 624 plays 0  

Nitrogen Testing (Module 2)

Nitrogen Testing (Module 2)

From  Brian Styk 150 plays 0  

Intermediate Acctg 2--Exercise 13-5

paid future absences -- vacations

From  Barbara Warschawski 72 plays 0  

Access MOOC Session Teaser

Fall Conference 2016

From  Julie Rummings 163 plays 0  

Starting Seeds Indoors

From  Sadie Ross 78 plays 0