01:24duration 1 minute 24 seconds
Preparing for Major Tests
How to prepare for major tests.
07:00duration 7 minutes 0 seconds
4K DeOldify Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I have a…
4K DeOldify Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I have a Dream Speech - COLOR
Video provided for captions.
05:44duration 5 minutes 44 seconds
Commemorative Speech Public Speaking edX…
Commemorative Speech Public Speaking edX Series
04:12duration 4 minutes 12 seconds
Bullfighting National Geographic.mp4
52:12duration 52 minutes 12 seconds
Boyer Lecture 2019
Boyer Lecture 2019, Carole Boyce Davies. “Black Women and Political Leadership: Representing “Half the World.”
04:05duration 4 minutes 5 seconds
2015 HVACLS Commencement - Jerry Finkle Chairman…
2015 HVACLS Commencement - Jerry Finkle Chairman of the Industry Board
Jerry Finkle Chairman of the Industry Board address speaks at the 2015 Harry Van Arsdale graduation.
46:18duration 46 minutes 18 seconds
Conserving Energy Around the Home