06:46duration 6 minutes 46 seconds
Linear Independence and Linear Dependence, Ex 2
Video provided for accurate captions
08:04duration 8 minutes 4 seconds
Linear Independence and Linear Dependence, Ex 1
07:08duration 7 minutes 8 seconds
PSYC 2050 Jon Kabat-Zinn - "The Healing…
PSYC 2050 Jon Kabat-Zinn - "The Healing Power of Mindfulness"
This video is provided for transcript and captions only.
06:48duration 6 minutes 48 seconds
FSMA 3010 Chapter 15
Cash Discounts
01:07:18duration 1 hour 7 minutes
2013 Boyer Lecture - David Orr
Lecture at 2013 All College by Dr. David Orr