Search for tag: "press"
Submit a Video in a Brightspace AssignmentThis video shows students how to create and submit a video assignment in a course in Brightspace.
From Michael Fortune
725 plays
How To Edit A Course Schedule In Your Brightspace CourseHow to Edit a Course Schedule in Your Brightspace Course. These directions are intended for School of Nursing and Allied Health (SONAH) adjunct faculty.
From Joel Glastetter
153 plays
SUNY Empire State College EPP Press ConferenceOn Friday, September 17, Officer in Charge Nathan Gonyea, Acting Provost Tai Arnold, and College Sr. Director of Enrichment and Opportunity Programs Dana Brown celebrated the kickoff of the Empire…
From Kevin Bane
363 plays
Creative Expressions: Stories We Want to Tell - Community, Ethics, and Artistic Expression - July 9, 2020Creative Expressions: Stories We Want to Tell - Community, Ethics, and Artistic Expression Thursday, July 9, 2020 - 5-6pm The SUNY Empire community has a rich and varied artist community.…
From Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein
100 plays
Virtual Town Hall: Racial JusticeIn light of the long history of racially motivated violence against people of color in this country, recently captured on video, and the movement for a more just society that we are now witnessing,…
From Brian Styk
108 plays
The Importance of the Freedom of the Press - Constitution Day Event 2018Constitution Day 2018 event held in three different ESC locations. A panel discussion of the Importance of the Freedom of the Press. Panelists include SUNY Empire faculty members Associate…
From Anita Brown
63 plays
Mastery of video in the ESC Online Environment - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 2.59.59 PM Digital Day 2018Mastery of video in the ESC Online Environment - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 2.59.59 PM Digital Day 2018
From Shaun Hoppel
68 plays