07:00duration 7 minutes 0 seconds
Understanding Green Screen Tomorrow's…
Understanding Green Screen Tomorrow's Filmmakers
Video provided for captions.
14:47duration 14 minutes 47 seconds
The History of Green Screen
07:40duration 7 minutes 40 seconds
Why CG Sucks (Except It Doesn't)
02:44duration 2 minutes 44 seconds
Speech 1 An informative speech that needs…
Speech 1 An informative speech that needs improvement
43:34duration 43 minutes 34 seconds
Intro LGBTQ Studies Class Seminar M5 screening…
Intro LGBTQ Studies Class Seminar M5 screening LGBTQ 11-11-20
This is an overview and introduction to the chapter, Screening LGBTQ+, for Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies, Fall 2020.