12:17duration 12 minutes 17 seconds
A war without a name France's controversial…
A war without a name France's controversial colonial past in Algeria • FRANCE 24 English
Video provided for captions.
29:17duration 29 minutes 17 seconds
Power Of Music On The Brain Dementia &…
Power Of Music On The Brain Dementia & Parkinson's
Video provided for accurate captioning.
01:02:46duration 1 hour 2 minutes
SUNY Empire State College Chancellor's…
SUNY Empire State College Chancellor's Awards Virtual Celebration
Virtual celebration and presentation of the 2020…
01:22duration 1 minute 22 seconds
Adding LCs to Docpak
48:43duration 48 minutes 43 seconds
Mastery of video in the ESC Online Environment -…
Mastery of video in the ESC Online Environment - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 2.59.59 PM Digital Day 2018