00:56duration 56 seconds
Informative Speech--Using Citations and Examples
Video provided for captions.
02:34duration 2 minutes 34 seconds
Create Slides People Will Remember
57:16duration 57 minutes 16 seconds
BBC podcast by Douglas Coupland The Medium is the…
BBC podcast by Douglas Coupland The Medium is the Message - Marshall McLuhan
Video provided for captions
01:24duration 1 minute 24 seconds
Inside 'Joseph Cornell Wanderlust'…
Inside 'Joseph Cornell Wanderlust' (Part 3)
04:34duration 4 minutes 34 seconds
Phase IV - Advanced Mapping Tasks
Video with accurate captions
07:26duration 7 minutes 26 seconds
7 Speaking Tips That Improve Your (Virtual)…
7 Speaking Tips That Improve Your (Virtual) Presentations