06:32duration 6 minutes 32 seconds
Informative Speech on Sleep
Video provided for captions.
02:23duration 2 minutes 23 seconds
There's an App for That- Self-Introduction
02:22duration 2 minutes 22 seconds
Stopping Hate Speech
08:42duration 8 minutes 42 seconds
What is the most important influence on child…
What is the most important influence on child development Tom Weisner TEDxUCLA
Video provided for captions
01:04duration 1 minute 4 seconds
How to Give Constructive Feedback - Episode #149
07:35duration 7 minutes 35 seconds
Watch Koko the Gorilla Use Sign Language in This…
Watch Koko the Gorilla Use Sign Language in This 1981 Film National Geographic.mp4
03:40duration 3 minutes 40 seconds
Implementing Your Strategy
In this short video filmed for "Career Brand Management" specialization on Coursera, Associate Professor John M. Beckem describes the use of Critical Skills Dashboard for implementing your…