Search for tag: "hours"

The Living Wage Solution

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From  Scott Silverman 11 plays 0  

Quick Tour of the Library Home Page

A quick review of the main functions and resources available on the library home page.

From  Dana Longley 245 plays 0  

Addition table mod 12

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From  Bonnie Farrell 29 plays 0  

New Work: The future of toil

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From  Heather Bennett 20 plays 0  

Modern-Day Anomie Jeong Whan Park TEDxGeorgetown

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From  Robert Kester 33 plays 0  

Buffalo Creek Revisited -- A Sample

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From  Angie Kassab 37 plays 0  

How to Install Microsoft Excel 2010's Solver Add-In (320 kbps)


From  Bonnie Farrell 39 plays 0  

Secondary Growth in Plants (320 kbps)

Secondary Growth in Plants accurate captions

From  Bonnie Farrell 37 plays 0  

Introduction to plant circadian rhythms (320 kbps)(1)

Introduction to plant circadian rhythms

From  Bonnie Farrell 42 plays 0  

For millions, underemployment is a new normal

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From  Angie Kassab 56 plays 0  

Careers In Project Management

Careers in Project Management November 16 from 6 – 7 p.m. Are you interested in pursuing project management opportunities? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the field…

From  Anita Brown 82 plays 0  

Digital Learning Environment (DLE): Briefing Session - 06/28/2022

SUNY Empire’s Digital Learning Environment (DLE) Communications Subcommittee will host monthly briefings to update the college community on the transition to our new learning management…

From  Lindsay Bryde 116 plays 0  

04/14/2022 - Beyond the Learning Contract: Strategies for Developing Meaningful Engagement

A challenge for developing and conducting courses virtually is how to best engage and interact with your students. Join members of Empire Online to look at how Regular and Substantiative…

From  Lindsay Bryde 66 plays 0  

SUNY Empire Careers In: So You're Interested in Social Work 2021

So You are Interested in Social Work? October 26, 6 – 7 p.m. Are you interested in Social Work? Then this is a must attend virtual panel. Our panel will highlight the Masters in Social…

From  Anita Brown 120 plays 0  

M.S. in ABA Informational Session: Fall 2021

M.S. in ABA info session held with Drs. Allen & Syed on September 30, 2021.

From  Noor Syed 223 plays 0  

Pedagogy and Virtual Study Groups Part 1 with Jenny Mincin and Duncan RyanMann

In part 1 of this two part series, educational technologist Lindsay Byrde talks with faculty mentors Jenny Mincin and Duncan RyanMann. They share what their Virtual Study Group experience has been…

From  Nathan Sunseri 137 plays 0