Search for tag: "guy"

One Caring Adult (5:36)

Provided for captioning purposes

+20 More
From  Robert Kester 5 plays 0  

v2attentioncheck8 - Trump 4

Video provided for captions.

+7 More
From  Scott Silverman 34 plays 0  

Potential Legal Dangers in Failure to Provide Sex Education to Individuals Diagnosed with ASD

Many individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder get very limited or no sex education. Without proper instruction, they may demonstrate behavior that is considered inappropriate or even…

From  Susan McFadden 96 plays 0  

PSYC 2050 Jon Kabat-Zinn - "The Healing Power of Mindfulness"

This video is provided for transcript and captions only.

+20 More
From  Ed Tech 20 plays 0  

Squid (Module 3)

Squid (Module 3)

From  Brian Styk 166 plays 0  

Local Solutions in the Opioid Crisis

Local Solution to the Opioid Crisis Forum_9-26_19

From  Drew Wardle 144 plays 0